Source code for

# License: BSD 3 clause
A meta-learner class that wraps scikit-learn's `VotingClassifier` and `VotingRegressor`.

:author: Nitin Madnani (
:organization: ETS
import copy
import logging
from importlib import import_module
from itertools import zip_longest
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import joblib
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier, VotingRegressor
from sklearn.utils import shuffle as sk_shuffle
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target

from import FeatureSet
from import DictVectorizer
from skll.learner import Learner
from skll.types import (
from skll.utils.constants import MAX_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES

from .utils import (

[docs] class VotingLearner(object): """ Wrap ``VotingClassifier`` and ``VotingRegressor`` from scikit-learn. Note that this class does not inherit from the ``Learner`` class but rather uses different ``Learner`` instances underlyingly. Parameters ---------- learner_names : List[str] List of the learner names that will participate in the voting process. voting : Optional[str], default="hard" One of "hard" or "soft". If "hard", the predicted class labels are used for majority rule voting. If "soft", the predicted class label is based on the argmax of the sums of the predicted probabilities from each of the underlying learnrs. This parameter is only relevant for classification. custom_learner_path : Optional[:class:`skll.types.PathOrStr`], default=None Path to a Python file containing the definitions of any custom learners. Any and all custom learners in ``estimator_names`` must be defined in this file. If the custom learner does not inherit from an already existing scikit-learn estimator, it must explicitly define an `_estimator_type` attribute indicating whether it's a "classifier" or a "regressor". feature_scaling : str, default="none" How to scale the features, if at all for each estimator. Options are - "with_std": scale features using the standard deviation - "with_mean": center features using the mean - "both": do both scaling as well as centering - "none": do neither scaling nor centering pos_label : Optional[:class:`skll.types.LabelType`], default=None A string denoting the label of the class to be treated as the positive class in a binary classification setting, for each estimator. If ``None``, the class represented by the label that appears second when sorted is chosen as the positive class. For example, if the two labels in data are "A" and "B" and ``pos_label`` is not specified, "B" will be chosen as the positive class. min_feature_count : int, default=1 The minimum number of examples a feature must have a nonzero value in to be included, for each estimator. model_kwargs_list : Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]], default=None A list of dictionaries of keyword arguments to pass to the initializer for each of the estimators. There's a one-to-one correspondence between the order of this list and the order of the ``learner_names`` list. sampler_list : Optional[List[str]], default=None The samplers to use for kernel approximation, if desired, for each estimator. Valid values are: - "AdditiveChi2Sampler" - "Nystroem" - "RBFSampler" - "SkewedChi2Sampler" There's a one-to-one correspondence between the order of this list and the order of the ``learner_names`` list. sampler_kwargs_list : Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]], default=None A list of dictionaries of keyword arguments to pass to the initializer for the specified sampler, one per estimator. There's a one-to-one correspondence between the order of this list and the order of the ``learner_names`` list. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logging object. If ``None`` is passed, get logger from ``__name__``. """ def __init__( self, learner_names: List[str], voting: Optional[str] = "hard", custom_learner_path: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, feature_scaling: str = "none", pos_label: Optional[LabelType] = None, min_feature_count: int = 1, model_kwargs_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, sampler_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, sampler_kwargs_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ): """Initialize a ``VotingLearner`` object with the specified settings.""" # initialize various attributes self._model = None = voting self.label_dict: Dict[LabelType, int] = {} self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__) self.model_kwargs_list = [] if model_kwargs_list is None else model_kwargs_list self.sampler_list = [] if sampler_list is None else sampler_list self.sampler_kwargs_list = [] if sampler_kwargs_list is None else sampler_kwargs_list # check that the arguments that are supposed to be lists are lists; # if they are `None`, set them to be empty lists for argument_name in ["model_kwargs_list", "sampler_list", "sampler_kwargs_list"]: argument_value = locals()[argument_name] if argument_value is None: setattr(self, argument_name, []) else: if not isinstance(argument_value, list): raise ValueError( f"{argument_name} should be a list, you " f"specified {argument_value}" ) else: setattr(self, argument_name, argument_value) # check that the list arguments, if not empty, have the right length for attribute_name in ["model_kwargs_list", "sampler_list", "sampler_kwargs_list"]: attribute_value = getattr(self, attribute_name) try: assert len(attribute_value) == 0 or len(attribute_value) == len(learner_names) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"'{attribute_name}' must have {len(learner_names)} " "entries, same as the number of learners" ) from None # instantiate each of the given estimators self._learners = [] learner_types = set() self._learner_names = learner_names for learner_name, model_kwargs, sampler, sampler_kwargs in zip_longest( self._learner_names, self.model_kwargs_list, self.sampler_list, self.sampler_kwargs_list ): learner = Learner( learner_name, custom_learner_path=custom_learner_path, feature_scaling=feature_scaling, min_feature_count=min_feature_count, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, pipeline=True, pos_label=pos_label, == "soft", sampler=sampler, sampler_kwargs=sampler_kwargs, logger=logger, ) learner_types.add(learner.model_type._estimator_type) self._learners.append(learner) # infer what type of metalearner we have - a classifier or # a regressor; it can only be one or the other try: assert len(learner_types) == 1 and ( learner_types == {"classifier"} or learner_types == {"regressor"} ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("cannot mix classifiers and regressors for voting") else: self.learner_type = list(learner_types)[0] # unset the voting attribute for regressors for downstream simplicity if self.learner_type == "regressor": = None @property def learners(self) -> List[Learner]: """Return the underlying list of learners.""" return self._learners @property def model(self): """Return underlying scikit-learn meta-estimator model.""" return self._model @property def model_type(self): """Return meta-estimator model type (i.e., the class).""" return self._model_type def _setup_underlying_learners(self, examples: FeatureSet) -> None: """Complete pre-training set up for learners.""" for learner in self.learners: learner._create_label_dict(examples) learner._train_setup(examples) def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return attributes that should be pickled. We need this because we do not want to dump loggers. """ attribute_dict = dict(self.__dict__) if "logger" in attribute_dict: del attribute_dict["logger"] return attribute_dict
[docs] def save(self, learner_path: PathOrStr) -> None: """ Save the ``VotingLearner`` instance to a file. Parameters ---------- learner_path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to save the ``VotingLearner`` instance to. """ _save_learner_to_disk(self, learner_path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, learner_path: PathOrStr, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None ) -> "VotingLearner": """ Load a saved ``VotingLearner`` instance from a file. Parameters ---------- learner_path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to a saved ``VotingLearner`` instance file. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logging object. If ``None`` is passed, get logger from ``__name__``. Returns ------- learner : The ``VotingLearner`` instance loaded from the file. """ # use the logger that's passed in or if nothing was passed in, # then create a new logger logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__) # call the learner loding utility function obj = _load_learner_from_disk(cls, learner_path, logger) assert isinstance(obj, cls) return obj
[docs] def train( self, examples: FeatureSet, param_grid_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, grid_search_folds: Union[int, FoldMapping] = 5, grid_search: bool = True, grid_objective: Optional[str] = None, grid_jobs: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Train the voting meta-estimator. First, we train each of the underlying estimators (represented by a skll ``Learner``), possibly with grid search. Then, we instantiate a ``VotingClassifier`` or ``VotingRegressor`` as appropriate with the scikit-learn ``Pipeline`` stored in the ``pipeline`` attribute of each trained ``Learner`` instance as the estimator. Finally, we call ``fit()`` on the ``VotingClassifier`` or ``VotingRegressor`` instance. We follow this process because it allows us to use grid search to find good hyperparameter values for our underlying learners before passing them to the meta-estimator AND because it allows us to use SKLL featuresets and do all of the same pre-processing when doing inference. The trained meta-estimator is saved in the ``_model`` attribute. Nothing is returned. Parameters ---------- examples : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to use for training. param_grid_list : Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]], default=None The list of parameter grids to search through for grid search, one for each underlying learner. The order of the dictionaries should correspond to the order in which the underlying estimators were specified when the ``VotingLearner`` was instantiated. If ``None``, the default parameter grids will be used for the underlying estimators. grid_search_folds : Union[int, :class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`], default=5 The number of folds to use when doing the grid search for each of the underlying learners, or a mapping from example IDs to folds. grid_search : bool, default=True Should we use grid search when training each underlying learner? grid_objective : Optional[str], default=None The name of the objective function to use when doing the grid search for each underlying learner. Must be specified if ``grid_search`` is ``True``. grid_jobs : Optional[int], default=None The number of jobs to run in parallel when doing the grid search for each underlying learner. If ``None`` or 0, the number of grid search folds will be used. shuffle : bool, default=False Shuffle examples (e.g., for grid search CV.) """ if param_grid_list is None: self._param_grids = [] else: if not isinstance(param_grid_list, list): raise ValueError( f"`param_grid_list` should be a list of dictionaries, " f"you specified: {param_grid_list}" ) else: self._param_grids = param_grid_list # train each of the underlying estimators with grid search, if required; # basically, we are just running grid search to find good hyperparameter # values that we can then pass to scikit-learn below for learner, param_grid in zip_longest(self.learners, self._param_grids): _ = learner.train( examples, grid_search=grid_search, grid_objective=grid_objective, param_grid=param_grid, grid_search_folds=grid_search_folds, grid_jobs=grid_jobs, shuffle=shuffle, ) # once we have our instantiated learners, we use their `pipeline` # attribute as the input estimators to the specific voting learner type estimators = list(zip(self._learner_names, [learner.pipeline for learner in self.learners])) if self.learner_type == "classifier": self._model_type = VotingClassifier model_kwargs = {"voting":} else: self._model_type = VotingRegressor model_kwargs = {} meta_learner = self.model_type(estimators, **model_kwargs) # get the training features in the right dictionary format if isinstance(examples.vectorizer, DictVectorizer): X_train = examples.vectorizer.inverse_transform(examples.features) # since label dictionaries are identical for all underlying # learners, save it into a easier to access attribute self.label_dict = self.learners[0].label_dict # get the training labels in the right format too # NOTE: technically, we could also use a `LabelEncoder` here but # that may not account for passing `pos_label` above when # instantiating the learners so we stick with the label dict y_train: np.ndarray if examples.labels is not None: if self.learner_type == "classifier": y_train = np.array([self.label_dict[label] for label in examples.labels]) else: # for regressors, the labels are just the labels y_train = examples.labels # now we need to fit the actual meta learner which will also fit # clones of the underlying pipelines; # NOTE: this will *not* yield the same results as the case where we take # the predictions from the trained SKLL learners above and do the # voting ourselves. This is because SKLL learners do a lot of things # differently (e.g., shuffling before grid search) that can cause # differences in results and/or floating point precision. self._model =, y_train)
[docs] def predict( self, examples: FeatureSet, prediction_prefix: Optional[str] = None, append: bool = False, class_labels: bool = True, individual_predictions: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]]: """ Generate predictions with meta-estimator. Compute the predictions from the meta-estimator and, optionally, the underlying estimators on given ``FeatureSet``. The predictions are also written to disk if ``prediction_prefix`` is not ``None``. For regressors, the returned and written-out predictions are identical. However, for classifiers: - if ``class_labels`` is ``True``, class labels are returned as well as written out. - if ``class_labels`` is ``False`` and the classifier is probabilistic (i.e., ``self.probability`` is ``True``), class probabilities are returned as well as written out. - if ``class_labels`` is ``False`` and the classifier is non-probabilistic (i.e., ``self..probability`` is ``False``), class indices are returned and class labels are written out. This option is generally only meant for SKLL-internal use. Parameters ---------- examples : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to predict labels for. prediction_prefix : Optional[str], default=None If saving the predictions, this is the prefix that will be used for the filename. It will be followed by ``"_predictions.tsv"`` append : bool, default=False Should we append the current predictions to the file if it exists? class_labels : bool, default=True For classifier, should we convert class indices to their (str) labels for the returned array? Note that class labels are always written out to disk. individual_predictions : bool, default=False Return (and, optionally, write out) the predictions from each underlying learner. Returns ------- Tuple[numpy.ndarray, Optional[Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]] The first element is the array of predictions returned by the meta-estimator and the second is an optional dictionary with the name of each underlying learner as the key and the array of its predictions as the value. The second element is ``None`` if ``individual_predictions`` is set to ``False``. """ example_ids = examples.ids # get the test set features in the right format if isinstance(examples.vectorizer, DictVectorizer): xtest = examples.vectorizer.inverse_transform(examples.features) # get all possible kinds of predictions from the meta-learner prediction_dict = get_predictions(self, xtest) # decide what predictions to write and what predictions to return # by default, these are just what is output by the model to_write = prediction_dict["raw"] to_return = prediction_dict["raw"] # for classifiers ... if self.learner_type == "classifier": # return and write class labels if they were explicitly asked for if class_labels: to_return = to_write = prediction_dict["labels"] else: # return and write probabilities if == "soft": to_return = to_write = prediction_dict["probabilities"] # return class indices and write labels else: to_return = prediction_dict["raw"] to_write = prediction_dict["labels"] # for regressors, it's really simple else: to_write = to_return = prediction_dict["raw"] # write out the meta-estimator predictions if we are asked to if prediction_prefix is not None: write_predictions( example_ids, to_write, prediction_prefix, self.learner_type, self.learners[0].label_list, append=append, ) # get and write each underlying learner's predictions if asked for if individual_predictions: # create a dictionary to hold the individual predictions individual_predictions_dict = {} # iterate over each underlying learner along with names for name, learner in zip(self.model.named_estimators_, self.learners): # the learner's `predict()` method should handle everything learner_prediction_prefix = ( f"{prediction_prefix}_{name}" if prediction_prefix is not None else None ) learner_predictions = learner.predict( examples, prediction_prefix=learner_prediction_prefix, append=append, class_labels=class_labels, ) # save this estimator's predictions in the dictionary individual_predictions_dict[name] = learner_predictions else: individual_predictions_dict = None # return the tuple of the meta-estimator predictions array # and the dictionary containing the individual predictions return (to_return, individual_predictions_dict)
[docs] def evaluate( self, examples: FeatureSet, prediction_prefix: Optional[str] = None, append: bool = False, grid_objective: Optional[str] = None, individual_predictions: bool = False, output_metrics: List[str] = [], ) -> EvaluateTaskResults: """ Evaluate the meta-estimator on a given ``FeatureSet``. Parameters ---------- examples : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to evaluate the performance of the model on. prediction_prefix : Optional[str], default=None If saving the predictions, this is the prefix that will be used for the filename. It will be followed by ``"_predictions.tsv"`` append : bool, default=False Should we append the current predictions to the file if it exists? grid_objective : Optional[str], default=None The objective function used when doing the grid search. individual_predictions : bool, default=False Optionally, write out the predictions from each underlying learner. output_metrics : List[str], default=[] List of additional metric names to compute in addition to grid objective. Returns ------- :class:`skll.types.EvaluateTaskResults` The confusion matrix, the overall accuracy, the per-label PRFs, the model parameters, the grid search objective function score, and the additional evaluation metrics, if any. """ # make the prediction on the test data; note that these # are either class indices or class probabilities yhat, _ = self.predict( examples, class_labels=False, prediction_prefix=prediction_prefix, append=append, individual_predictions=individual_predictions, ) # for classifiers, convert class labels indices for consistency # but account for any unseen labels in the test set that may not # have occurred in the training data for the underlying learners # at all; then get acceptable metrics based on the type of labels we have if examples.labels is not None: if self.learner_type == "classifier": sorted_unique_labels = np.unique(examples.labels) test_label_list = sorted_unique_labels.tolist() train_and_test_label_dict = add_unseen_labels(self.label_dict, test_label_list) ytest = np.array([train_and_test_label_dict[label] for label in examples.labels]) acceptable_metrics = get_acceptable_classification_metrics(sorted_unique_labels) # for regressors we do not need to do anything special to the labels else: train_and_test_label_dict = None ytest = examples.labels acceptable_metrics = get_acceptable_regression_metrics() # check that all of the output metrics are acceptable unacceptable_metrics = set(output_metrics).difference(acceptable_metrics) if unacceptable_metrics and examples.labels is not None: label_type = examples.labels.dtype.type raise ValueError( f"The following metrics are not valid " f"for this learner({self.model_type.__name__}) " f"with these labels of type {label_type.__name__}: " f"{list(unacceptable_metrics)}" ) # get the values of the evaluation metrics ( conf_matrix, accuracy, result_dict, objective_score, metric_scores, ) = compute_evaluation_metrics( output_metrics, ytest, yhat, self.learner_type, label_dict=train_and_test_label_dict, grid_objective=grid_objective, == "soft", logger=self.logger, ) # add in the model parameters, excluding the ones # for the underlying estimators, and return model_params = self.model.get_params(deep=False) res = (conf_matrix, accuracy, result_dict, model_params, objective_score, metric_scores) return res
[docs] def cross_validate( self, examples: FeatureSet, stratified: bool = True, cv_folds: Union[int, FoldMapping] = 10, cv_seed: int = 123456789, grid_search: bool = True, grid_search_folds: Union[int, FoldMapping] = 5, grid_jobs: Optional[int] = None, grid_objective: Optional[str] = None, output_metrics: List[str] = [], prediction_prefix: Optional[str] = None, param_grid_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, shuffle: bool = False, save_cv_folds: bool = True, save_cv_models: bool = False, individual_predictions: bool = False, use_custom_folds_for_grid_search: bool = True, ) -> VotingCrossValidateTaskResults: """ Cross-validate the meta-estimator on the given examples. We follow essentially the same methodology as in ``Learner.cross_validate()`` - split the examples into training and testing folds, and then call ``self.train()`` on the training folds and then ``self.evaluate()`` on the test fold. Note that this means that underlying estimators with different hyperparameters may be used for each fold, as is the case with ``Learner.cross_validate()``. Parameters ---------- examples : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to cross-validate learner performance on. stratified : bool, default=True Should we stratify the folds to ensure an even distribution of labels for each fold? cv_folds : Union[int, :class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`], default=10 The number of folds to use for cross-validation, or a mapping from example IDs to folds. cv_seed: int, default=123456789 The value for seeding the random number generator used to create the random folds. Note that this seed is *only* used if either ``grid_search`` or ``shuffle`` are set to ``True``. grid_search : bool, default=True Should we do grid search when training each fold? Note: This will make this take *much* longer. grid_search_folds : Union[int, :class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`], default=5 The number of folds to use when doing the grid search, or a mapping from example IDs to folds. grid_jobs : Optional[int], default=None The number of jobs to run in parallel when doing the grid search. If ``None`` or 0, the number of grid search folds will be used. grid_objective : Optional[str], default=None The name of the objective function to use when doing the grid search. Must be specified if ``grid_search`` is ``True``. output_metrics : Optional[List[str]], default=[] List of additional metric names to compute in addition to the metric used for grid search. prediction_prefix : Optional[str], default=None If saving the predictions, this is the prefix that will be used for the filename. It will be followed by ``"_predictions.tsv"`` param_grid_list : Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]], default=None The list of parameters grid to search through for grid search, one for each underlying learner. The order of the dictionaries should correspond to the order If ``None``, the default parameter grids will be used for the underlying estimators. shuffle : bool, default=False Shuffle examples before splitting into folds for CV. save_cv_folds : bool, default=True Whether to save the cv fold ids or not? save_cv_models : bool, default=False Whether to save the cv models or not? individual_predictions : bool, default=False Write out the cross-validated predictions from each underlying learner as well. use_custom_folds_for_grid_search : bool, default=True If ``cv_folds`` is a custom dictionary, but ``grid_search_folds`` is not, perhaps due to user oversight, should the same custom dictionary automatically be used for the inner grid-search cross-validation? Returns ------- :class:`skll.types.CrossValidateTaskResults` A 3-tuple containing the following: List[:class:`skll.types.EvaluateTaskResults`]: the confusion matrix, overall accuracy, per-label PRFs, model parameters, objective function score, and evaluation metrics (if any) for each fold. Optional[:class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`]: dictionary containing the test-fold number for each id if ``save_cv_folds`` is ``True``, otherwise ``None``. Optional[List[:class:``]]: list of voting learners, one for each fold if ``save_cv_models`` is ``True``, otherwise ``None``. Raises ------ ValueError If classification labels are not properly encoded as strings. ValueError If ``grid_search`` is ``True`` but ``grid_objective`` is ``None``. """ # Seed the random number generator so that randomized algorithms are # replicable. random_state = np.random.RandomState(cv_seed) # We need to check whether the labels in the featureset are labels # or continuous values. If it's the latter, we need to raise an # an exception since the stratified splitting in sklearn does not # work with continuous labels. Note that although using random folds # _will_ work, we want to raise an error in general since it's better # to encode the labels as strings anyway for classification problems. if self.learner_type == "classifier" and type_of_target(examples.labels) not in [ "binary", "multiclass", ]: raise ValueError( "Floating point labels must be encoded as strings for cross-validation." ) # check that we have an objective since grid search is on by default # Note that `train()` would raise this error anyway later but it's # better to raise this early on so rather than after a whole bunch of # stuff has happened if grid_search and not grid_objective: raise ValueError( "Grid search is on by default. You must " "either specify a grid objective or turn off " "grid search." ) # Shuffle so that the folds are random for the inner grid search CV. # If grid search is True but shuffle isn't, shuffle anyway. # You can't shuffle a scipy sparse matrix in place, so unfortunately # we make a copy of everything (and then get rid of the old version) if grid_search or shuffle: if grid_search and not shuffle: self.logger.warning( "Training data will be shuffled to randomize " "grid search folds. Shuffling may yield " "different results compared to scikit-learn." ) ids, labels, features = sk_shuffle( examples.ids, examples.labels, examples.features, random_state=random_state ) examples = FeatureSet(, ids, labels=labels, features=features, vectorizer=examples.vectorizer ) # Call some setup code which will properly initialize the underlying # learners before they are eventually trained self._setup_underlying_learners(examples) # Set up the cross-validation iterator. kfold, cv_groups = setup_cv_fold_iterator( cv_folds, examples, self.learner_type, stratified=stratified, logger=self.logger ) # When using custom CV folds (a dictionary), if we are planning to do # grid search, set the grid search folds to be the same as the custom # cv folds unless a flag is set that explicitly tells us not to. # Note that this should only happen when we are using the API; otherwise # the configparser should take care of this even before this method is called if isinstance(cv_folds, dict): if grid_search and use_custom_folds_for_grid_search and grid_search_folds != cv_folds: self.logger.warning( "The specified custom folds will be used for " "the inner grid search." ) grid_search_folds = cv_folds # handle each fold separately & accumulate the predictions and results results = [] append_predictions = False saved_models: List["VotingLearner"] = [] saved_skll_fold_ids: FoldMapping = {} if examples.features is not None and examples.labels is not None: for fold_num, (train_indices, test_indices) in enumerate( kfold.split(examples.features, examples.labels, cv_groups) ): # Train model self._model = None # prevent feature vectorizer from being reset. train_set = FeatureSet(, examples.ids[train_indices], labels=examples.labels[train_indices], features=examples.features[train_indices], vectorizer=examples.vectorizer, ) self.train( train_set, param_grid_list=param_grid_list, grid_search_folds=grid_search_folds, grid_search=grid_search, grid_objective=grid_objective, grid_jobs=grid_jobs, shuffle=grid_search, ) if save_cv_models: saved_models.append(copy.deepcopy(self)) # evaluate the voting meta-estimator on the test fold test_tuple = FeatureSet(, examples.ids[test_indices], labels=examples.labels[test_indices], features=examples.features[test_indices], vectorizer=examples.vectorizer, ) # save the results results.append( self.evaluate( test_tuple, prediction_prefix=prediction_prefix, append=append_predictions, grid_objective=grid_objective, output_metrics=output_metrics, individual_predictions=individual_predictions, ) ) append_predictions = True # save the fold number for each test ID if we were asked to if save_cv_folds: for index in test_indices: saved_skll_fold_ids[examples.ids[index]] = str(fold_num) # return list of results/outputs for all folds models = saved_models if save_cv_models else None skll_fold_ids = saved_skll_fold_ids if save_cv_folds else None return (results, skll_fold_ids, models)
[docs] def learning_curve( self, examples: FeatureSet, metric: str, cv_folds: Union[int, FoldMapping] = 10, train_sizes: LearningCurveSizes = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 5), override_minimum: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float], List[float], List[int]]: """ Generate learning curves for the meta-estimator. Generate learning curves for the voting meta-estimator on the training examples via cross-validation. Adapted from the scikit-learn code for learning curve generation (cf.``sklearn.model_selection.learning_curve``). Parameters ---------- examples : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to generate the learning curve on. metric : str The name of the metric function to use when computing the train and test scores for the learning curve. cv_folds : Union[int, :class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`], default=10 The number of folds to use for cross-validation, or a mapping from example IDs to folds. train_sizes : :class:`skll.types.LearningCurveSizes`, default= :func:`numpy.linspace` with start=0.1, stop=1.0, num=5 Relative or absolute numbers of training examples that will be used to generate the learning curve. If the type is float, it is regarded as a fraction of the maximum size of the training set (that is determined by the selected validation method), i.e. it has to be within (0, 1]. Otherwise it is interpreted as absolute sizes of the training sets. Note that for classification the number of samples usually have to be big enough to contain at least one sample from each class. override_minimum : bool, default=False Learning curves can be unreliable for very small sizes esp. for > 2 labels. If this option is set to ``True``, the learning curve would be generated even if the number of example is less 500 along with a warning. If ``False``, the curve is not generated and an exception is raised instead. Returns ------- train_scores : List[float] The scores for the training set. test_scores : List[float] The scores on the test set. fit_times : List[float] The average times taken to fit each model. num_examples : List[int] The numbers of training examples used to generate the curve. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of examples is less than 500. """ # check that the number of training examples is more than the minimum # needed for generating a reliable learning curve if len(examples) < 500: if not override_minimum: raise ValueError( f"Number of training examples provided ({len(examples)}) " "is less than the minimum needed (500) for the " "learning curve to be reliable." ) else: self.logger.warning( "Learning curves can be unreliable for examples fewer than " f"500. You provided {len(examples)}." ) # raise a warning if we are using a probabilistic classifier # since that means we cannot use the predictions directly if == "soft": self.logger.warning( "For soft-voting classifiers, the most likely " "class will be computed via an argmax before " "computing the curve." ) # Call some setup code which will properly initialize the underlying # learners before they are eventually trained self._setup_underlying_learners(examples) # set up the CV split iterator over the train/test featuresets # which also returns the maximum number of training examples (featureset_iter, n_max_training_samples) = setup_cv_split_iterator(cv_folds, examples) # Get the `_translate_train_sizes()` function from scikit-learn # since we need it to get the right list of sizes after cross-validation _module = import_module("sklearn.model_selection._validation") _translate_train_sizes = getattr(_module, "_translate_train_sizes") train_sizes_abs = _translate_train_sizes(train_sizes, n_max_training_samples) n_unique_ticks = train_sizes_abs.shape[0] # limit the number of parallel jobs for this to be no higher than # MAX_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES or the number of cores, whichever is lower n_jobs = min(cpu_count(), MAX_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES) # Run jobs in parallel that train the model on each subset # of the training data and compute train and test scores parallel = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, pre_dispatch=n_jobs) out = parallel( joblib.delayed(train_and_score)(self, train_fs[:n_train_samples], test_fs, metric) for train_fs, test_fs in featureset_iter for n_train_samples in train_sizes_abs ) # Reshape the outputs out = np.array(out) n_cv_folds = out.shape[0] // n_unique_ticks out = out.reshape(n_cv_folds, n_unique_ticks, 3) out = np.asarray(out).transpose((2, 1, 0)) return list(out[0]), list(out[1]), list(out[2]), list(train_sizes_abs)