Source code for skll.learner.utils

Utility classes and functions for SKLL learners.

:author: Nitin Madnani (
:author: Michael Heilman (
:author: Dan Blanchard (
:author: Aoife Cahill (
:organization: ETS

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import logging
import sys
import time
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from csv import DictWriter, excel_tab
from functools import wraps
from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import joblib
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.metrics import (
from sklearn.model_selection import (

from import FeatureSet
from skll.metrics import _CUSTOM_METRICS, _PREDEFINED_CUSTOM_METRICS, use_score_func
from skll.types import (
from skll.utils.constants import (
from skll.version import VERSION

# import classes that we only need for type checking and not
# otherwise since they would cause circular import issues
    import skll.learner

class Densifier(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    Custom pipeline stage for handling dense feature arrays.

    A custom pipeline stage that will be inserted into the
    learner pipeline attribute to accommodate the situation
    when SKLL needs to manually convert feature arrays from
    sparse to dense. For example, when features are being hashed
    but we are also doing centering using the feature means.

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        """Fit the estimator."""
        return self

    def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
        """Fit the estimator and transform the input."""
        return self

    def transform(self, X):
        """Transform the input using already fit estimator."""
        return X.toarray()

class FilteredLeaveOneGroupOut(LeaveOneGroupOut):
    Custom version ``LeaveOneGroupOut`` cross-validation iterator.

    This version only outputs indices of instances with IDs in a prespecified set.

    keep : Iterable[IdType]
        A set of IDs to keep.
    example_ids : numpy.ndarray, of length n_samples
        A list of example IDs.
    logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None
        A logger instance.

    def __init__(
        keep: Iterable[IdType],
        example_ids: np.ndarray,
        logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None,
        """Initialize the model."""
        super(FilteredLeaveOneGroupOut, self).__init__()
        self.keep = keep
        self.example_ids = example_ids
        self._warned = False
        self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def split(
        self, X: SparseFeatureMatrix, y: np.ndarray, groups: Optional[List[str]]
    ) -> IndexIterator:
        Generate indices to split data into training and test set.

        X : numpy.ndarray, with shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples
            and n_features is the number of features.
        y : numpy.ndarray, of length n_samples
            The target variable for supervised learning problems.
        groups : List[str]
            Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into
            train/test set.

        train_index : numpy.ndarray
            The training set indices for that split.
        test_index : numpy.ndarray
            The testing set indices for that split.
        for train_index, test_index in super(FilteredLeaveOneGroupOut, self).split(X, y, groups):
            train_len = len(train_index)
            test_len = len(test_index)
            train_index = [i for i in train_index if self.example_ids[i] in self.keep]
            test_index = [i for i in test_index if self.example_ids[i] in self.keep]
            if not self._warned and (train_len != len(train_index) or test_len != len(test_index)):
                    "Feature set contains IDs that are not "
                    "in folds dictionary. Skipping those IDs."
                self._warned = True

            yield train_index, test_index

class SelectByMinCount(SelectKBest):
    Select or discard features based on how often they occur in the data.

    Select features occurring in more (and/or fewer than) than a specified
    number of examples in the training data (or a CV training fold).

    min_count : int, default=1
        The minimum feature count to select.

    def __init__(self, min_count: int = 1):
        """Initialize the model."""
        self.min_count = min_count
        self.scores_: Optional[np.ndarray] = None

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        Fit the SelectByMinCount model.

        X : numpy.ndarray, with shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The training data to fit.
        y : Ignored
            Not used.

        # initialize a list of counts of times each feature appears
        col_counts = [0 for _ in range(X.shape[1])]

        if sp.issparse(X):
            # find() is scipy.sparse's equivalent of nonzero()
            _, col_indices, _ = sp.find(X)
            # assume it's a numpy array (not a numpy matrix)
            col_indices = X.nonzero()[1].tolist()

        for i in col_indices:
            col_counts[i] += 1

        self.scores_ = np.array(col_counts)
        return self

    def _get_support_mask(self):
        Return a mask indicating which features to keep.

        Adapted from ``SelectKBest``.

        mask : numpy.ndarray
            The mask with features to keep set to True.
        mask = np.zeros(self.scores_.shape, dtype=bool)
        mask[self.scores_ >= self.min_count] = True
        return mask

def add_unseen_labels(
    train_label_dict: Dict[LabelType, int], test_label_list: List[LabelType]
) -> Dict[LabelType, int]:
    Merge test set labels that are not seen in the training data with seen ones.

    train_label_dict : Dict[:class:`skll.types.LabelType`, int]
        Dictionary mapping training set class labels to class indices.
    test_label_list : List[:class:`skll.types.LabelType`]
        List containing labels in the test set.

    Dict[:class:`skll.types.LabelType`, int]
        Dictionary mapping merged labels from both the training and test sets
        to indices.
    # get the list of labels that were in the training set
    train_label_list = list(train_label_dict.keys())

    # identify any unseen labels in the test set
    unseen_test_label_list = [label for label in test_label_list if label not in train_label_list]

    # create a new dictionary for these unseen labels with label indices
    # for them starting _after_ those for the training set labels
    unseen_label_dict = {
        label: i for i, label in enumerate(unseen_test_label_list, start=len(train_label_list))

    # combine the train label dictionary with this unseen label one & return
    train_and_test_label_dict = train_label_dict.copy()
    return train_and_test_label_dict

def compute_evaluation_metrics(
    metrics: List[str],
    labels: np.ndarray,
    predictions: np.ndarray,
    model_type: str,
    label_dict: Optional[Dict[LabelType, int]] = None,
    grid_objective: Optional[str] = None,
    probability: bool = False,
    logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None,
) -> ComputeEvalMetricsResults:
    Compute given evaluation metrics.

    Compute given metrics to evaluate the given predictions generated
    by the given type of estimator against the given true labels.

    metrics : List[str]
        List of metrics to compute.
    labels : numpy.ndarray
        True labels to be used for computing the metrics.
    predictions : numpy.ndarray
        The predictions to be used for computing the metrics.
    model_type : str
        One of "classifier" or "regressor".
    label_dict : Optional[Dict[LabelType, int]], default=None
        Dictionary mapping class labels to indices for classification.
    grid_objective : Optional[str], default=None
        The objective used for tuning the hyper-parameters of the model
        that generated the predictions. If ``None``, it means that no
        grid search was done.
    probability : bool, default=False
        Does the model output class probabilities?
    logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None
        A logger instance to use for logging messages and warnings.
        If ``None``, a new one is created.

        5-tuple including the confusion matrix, the overall accuracy, the
        per-label PRFs, the grid search objective function score, and the
        additional evaluation metrics, if any. For regressors, the
        first two elements are ``None``.
    # set up the logger
    logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # warn if grid objective was also specified in metrics
    if len(metrics) > 0 and grid_objective in metrics:
            f"The grid objective '{grid_objective}' is also "
            "specified as an evaluation metric. Since its value "
            "is already included in the results as the objective "
            "score, it will not be printed again in the list of "
        metrics = [metric for metric in metrics if metric != grid_objective]

    # initialize a dictionary that will hold all of the metric scores
    metric_scores: Dict[str, Optional[float]] = {metric: None for metric in metrics}

    # if we are doing classification and are a probablistic
    # learner or a soft-voting meta learner, then `yhat` are
    # probabilities so we need to compute the class indices
    # separately and save them too
    if model_type == "classifier" and probability:
        class_probs = predictions
        predictions = np.argmax(class_probs, axis=1)
    # if we are a regressor or classifier not in probability
    # mode, then we have the class indices already and there
    # are no probabilities
        class_probs = None

    # make a single list of metrics including the grid objective
    # since it's easier to compute everything together
    metrics_to_compute = [grid_objective] + metrics
    for metric in metrics_to_compute:
        # skip the None if we are not doing grid search
        if not metric:

        # declare types
        preds_for_metric: Optional[np.ndarray]

        # CASE 1: in probability mode for classification which means we
        # need to either use the probabilities directly or infer the labels
        # from them depending on the metric
        if probability and label_dict and class_probs is not None:
            # there are three possible cases here:
            # (a) if we are using a correlation metric or
            #     `average_precision` or `roc_auc` in a binary
            #      classification scenario, then we need to explicitly
            #     pass in the probabilities of the positive class.
            # (b) if we are using `neg_log_loss`, then we
            #     just pass in the full probability array
            # (c) we compute the most likely labels from the
            #     probabilities via argmax and use those
            #     for all other metrics
            if (
                len(label_dict) == 2
                and (metric in CORRELATION_METRICS or metric in ["average_precision", "roc_auc"])
                and metric != grid_objective
                    "using probabilities for the positive class to "
                    f"compute '{metric}' for evaluation."
                preds_for_metric = class_probs[:, 1]
            elif metric == "neg_log_loss":
                preds_for_metric = class_probs
                preds_for_metric = predictions

        # CASE 2: no probability mode for classifier or regressor
        # in which case we just use the predictions as they are
            preds_for_metric = predictions

            metric_scores[metric] = use_score_func(metric, labels, preds_for_metric)
        except ValueError:
            metric_scores[metric] = float("NaN")

    # now separate out the grid objective score from the additional metric scores
    # if a grid objective was actually passed in. If no objective was passed in
    # then that score should just be none.
    objective_score = None
    additional_scores = metric_scores.copy()
    if grid_objective:
        objective_score = metric_scores[grid_objective]
        del additional_scores[grid_objective]

    # declare the type for the results
    res: ComputeEvalMetricsResults

    # compute some basic statistics for regressors
    if model_type == "regressor":
        regressor_result_dict: Dict[LabelType, Any] = {"descriptive": defaultdict(dict)}
        for table_label, y in zip(["actual", "predicted"], [labels, predictions]):
            regressor_result_dict["descriptive"][table_label]["min"] = min(y)
            regressor_result_dict["descriptive"][table_label]["max"] = max(y)
            regressor_result_dict["descriptive"][table_label]["avg"] = np.mean(y)
            regressor_result_dict["descriptive"][table_label]["std"] = np.std(y)
        regressor_result_dict["pearson"] = use_score_func("pearson", labels, predictions)
        res = (None, None, regressor_result_dict, objective_score, additional_scores)
    elif label_dict:
        # compute the confusion matrix and precision/recall/f1
        # note that we are using the class indices here
        # and not the actual class labels themselves
        num_labels = len(label_dict)
        conf_mat: ConfusionMatrix = confusion_matrix(
            labels, predictions, labels=list(range(num_labels))
        # Calculate metrics
        overall_accuracy: float = accuracy_score(labels, predictions)
        result_matrix = precision_recall_fscore_support(
            labels, predictions, labels=list(range(num_labels)), average=None

        # Store results
        classifier_result_dict: Dict[LabelType, Any] = defaultdict(dict)
        for actual_label in sorted(label_dict):
            col = label_dict[actual_label]
            classifier_result_dict[actual_label]["Precision"] = result_matrix[0][col]
            classifier_result_dict[actual_label]["Recall"] = result_matrix[1][col]
            classifier_result_dict[actual_label]["F-measure"] = result_matrix[2][col]

        res = (

    return res

def compute_num_folds_from_example_counts(
    cv_folds: int,
    labels: Optional[np.ndarray],
    model_type: str,
    logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None,
) -> int:
    Calculate number of cross-validation folds, based on number of examples per label.

    cv_folds : int
        The number of cross-validation folds.
    labels : numpy.ndarray
        The example labels.
    model_type : str
        One of "classifier" or "regressor".
    logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None
        A logger instance to use for logging messages and warnings.
        If ``None``, a new one is created.

        The number of folds to use, based on the number of examples
        for each label.

        If ``cv_folds`` is not an integer or if the training set has
        fewer than 2 examples associated with a label (for classification).
    # get a logger if not provided
    logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__)

        assert isinstance(cv_folds, int)
    except AssertionError:
        raise ValueError("`cv_folds` must be an integer.")

    # For regression models, we can just return the current cv_folds
    if model_type == "regressor":
        return cv_folds

    min_examples_per_label = min(Counter(labels).values())
    if min_examples_per_label <= 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The training set has only {min_examples_per_label}" " example for a label."
    if min_examples_per_label < cv_folds:
            "The minimum number of examples per label was "
            f"{min_examples_per_label}. Setting the number of "
            "cross-validation folds to that value."
        cv_folds = min_examples_per_label
    return cv_folds

def contiguous_ints_or_floats(numbers: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    Check for continuity in the given list of numbers.

    Check whether the given list of numbers contains
    contiguous integers or contiguous integer-like
    floats. For example, [1, 2, 3] or [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
    are both contiguous but [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] is not.

    numbers : numpy.ndarray
        The numbers we want to check.

        ``True`` if the numbers are contiguous integers
        or contiguous integer-like floats (1.0, 2.0, etc.),
        ``False`` otherwise.

        If ``numbers`` does not contain integers or floating point values.
        If ``numbers`` is empty.
        # make sure that number is not empty
        assert len(numbers) > 0

        # first check that the numbers are all integers
        # or integer-like floats (e.g., 1.0, 2.0 etc.)
        ints_or_int_like_floats = np.all(np.mod(numbers, 1) == 0)

        # next check that the successive differences between
        # the numbers are all 1, i.e., they are nuermicontiguous
        contiguous = np.all(np.diff(numbers) == 1)

    except AssertionError:
        raise ValueError("Input cannot be empty.")

    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError("Input should only contain numbers.")

    # we need both conditions to be true and we want to return
    # a regular Python `bool`, not a `numpy.bool_`
    return bool(ints_or_int_like_floats and contiguous)

def get_acceptable_classification_metrics(label_array: np.ndarray) -> Set[str]:
    Return acceptable metrics given the unique set of labels being classified.

    label_array : numpy.ndarray
        A sorted numpy array containing the unique labels
        that we are trying to predict. Optional for regressors
        but required for classifiers.

    acceptable_metrics : Set[str]
        A set of metric names that are acceptable
        for the given classification scenario.
    # this is a classifier so the acceptable objective
    # functions definitely include those metrics that
    # are specifically for classification and also
    # the unweighted kappa metrics

    # now let us consider which other metrics may also
    # be acceptable depending on whether the labels
    # are strings or (contiguous) integers/floats
    label_type = label_array.dtype.type

    # CASE 1: labels are strings, then no other metrics
    # are acceptable
    if issubclass(label_type, (np.object_, str)):

    # CASE 2: labels are integers or floats; the way
    # it works in SKLL, it's guaranteed that
    # class indices will be sorted in the same order
    # as the class labels therefore, ranking metrics
    # such as various correlations should work fine.
    elif issubclass(label_type, (int, np.int32, np.int64, float, np.float32, np.float64)):

        # CASE 3: labels are numerically contiguous integers
        # this is a special sub-case of CASE 2 which
        # represents ordinal classification. Only in this
        # case, weighted kappas -- where the distance
        # between the class labels has a special
        # meaning -- can be allowed. This is because
        # class indices are always contiguous and all
        # metrics in SKLL are computed in the index
        # space, not the label space. Note that floating
        # point numbers that are equivalent to integers
        # (e.g., [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) are also acceptable.
        if contiguous_ints_or_floats(label_array):

    # if there are any user-defined custom metrics registered, include them too
    user_defined_metrics = set(_CUSTOM_METRICS) - set(_PREDEFINED_CUSTOM_METRICS)
    if len(user_defined_metrics) > 0:

    return acceptable_metrics

def get_acceptable_regression_metrics() -> Set[str]:
    """Return the set of metrics that are acceptable for regression."""
    # it's fairly straightforward for regression since
    # we do not have to check the labels
    acceptable_metrics = (

    # if there are any user-defined custom metrics registered, include them too
    user_defined_metrics = set(_CUSTOM_METRICS) - set(_PREDEFINED_CUSTOM_METRICS)
    if len(user_defined_metrics) > 0:

    return acceptable_metrics

[docs] def load_custom_learner( custom_learner_path: Optional[PathOrStr], custom_learner_name: str ) -> "skll.learner.Learner": """ Import and load the custom learner object from the given path. Parameters ---------- custom_learner_path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to a custom learner. custom_learner_name : str The name of a custom learner. Returns ------- :class:`skll.learner.Learner` The SKLL learner object loaded from the given path. Raises ------ ValueError If the custom learner path does not end in '.py'. """ if not custom_learner_path: raise ValueError( "custom_learner_path was not set and learner " f"{custom_learner_name} was not found." ) # convert to a Path object custom_learner_path = Path(custom_learner_path) if custom_learner_path.suffix != ".py": raise ValueError("custom_learner_path must end in .py " f"({custom_learner_path})") custom_learner_module_name = custom_learner_path.stem sys.path.append(str(custom_learner_path.resolve().parent)) import_module(custom_learner_module_name) return getattr(sys.modules[custom_learner_module_name], custom_learner_name)
def get_predictions( learner: Union["skll.learner.Learner", ""], xtest: np.ndarray ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get predictions from the given learner (or meta-learner) for given features. The various types of predictions include: - "raw" predictions which are self-explanatory for regressors; for classifiers, these are the indices of the class labels, not the labels themselves. - "labels": for classifiers, these are the class labels; for regressors they are not applicable and represented as ``None``. - "probabilities": for classifiers, these are the class probabilities; for non-probabilistic classifiers or regressors, they are not applicable and represented as ``None``. Parameters ---------- learner : Union[:class:`skll.learner.Learner`, :class:``] The already-trained ``Learner`` or ``VotingLearner`` instance that is used to generate the predictions. xtest : numpy.ndarray Numpy array of features on which the predictions are to be made. Returns ------- prediction_dict : Dict[str, Any] Dictionary containing the three types of predictions as the keys and either ``None`` or a numpy array as the value. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the scikit-learn model does not implement ``predict_proba()`` to get the class probabilities. """ # deferred import to avoid circular dependencies from import VotingLearner # initialize the prediction dictionary prediction_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {"raw": None, "labels": None, "probabilities": None} # first get the raw predictions from the underlying scikit-learn model # this works for both classifiers and regressors yhat = learner.model.predict(xtest) prediction_dict["raw"] = yhat # next, if it's a classifier ... if learner.model_type._estimator_type == "classifier": # get the list of labels from the learner (or meta-learner) if isinstance(learner, VotingLearner): label_list = learner.learners[0].label_list else: label_list = learner.label_list # get the predicted class labels class_labels = np.array([label_list[int(pred)] for pred in yhat]) prediction_dict["labels"] = class_labels # then get the class probabilities too if the learner # (or meta-learner) is probabilistic if (hasattr(learner, "probability") and learner.probability) or ( hasattr(learner, "voting") and == "soft" ): try: yhat_probs = learner.model.predict_proba(xtest) except NotImplementedError as e: learner.logger.error( f"Model type: {learner.model_type.__name__}\n" f"Model: {learner.model}\n" ) raise e else: prediction_dict["probabilities"] = yhat_probs return prediction_dict def rescaled(cls): """ Create regressors that rescale their predictions. This decorator creates regressors that store a min and a max for the training data and make sure that predictions fall within that range. They also store the means and SDs of the gold standard and the predictions on the training set to rescale the predictions (e.g., as in e-rater). Parameters ---------- cls : BaseEstimator An estimator class to add rescaling to. Returns ------- cls : BaseEstimator Modified version of estimator class with rescaled functions added. Raises ------ ValueError If classifier cannot be rescaled (i.e. is not a regressor). """ # If this class has already been run through the decorator, return it if hasattr(cls, "rescale"): return cls # Save original versions of functions to use later. orig_init = cls.__init__ orig_fit = orig_predict = cls.predict if cls._estimator_type == "classifier": raise ValueError("Classifiers cannot be rescaled. Only regressors " "can.") # Define all new versions of functions @wraps( def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y=None): # noqa: D417 """ Fit a model. Also store the mean, SD, max and min of the training set and the mean and SD of the predictions on the training set. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray, with shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to fit. y : Ignored This is ignored. Returns ------- self """ # fit a regular regression model orig_fit(self, X, y=y) if self.constrain: # also record the training data min and max self.y_min = np.min(y) self.y_max = np.max(y) if self.rescale: # also record the means and SDs for the training set y_hat = orig_predict(self, X) self.yhat_mean = np.mean(y_hat) self.yhat_sd = np.std(y_hat) self.y_mean = np.mean(y) self.y_sd = np.std(y) return self @wraps(cls.predict) def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict with regressor and rescale. Make predictions with the super class, and then adjust them using the stored min, max, means, and standard deviations. Parameters ---------- self The instance itself X : numpy.ndarray, with shape (n_samples,) The data to predict. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The prediction results. """ # get the unconstrained predictions res = orig_predict(self, X) if self.rescale: # convert the predictions to z-scores, # then rescale to match the training set distribution res = (((res - self.yhat_mean) / self.yhat_sd) * self.y_sd) + self.y_mean if self.constrain: # apply min and max constraints res = np.array([max(self.y_min, min(self.y_max, pred)) for pred in res]) return res @classmethod @wraps(cls._get_param_names) def _get_param_names(class_x): """ Get kwargs for superclass and add new kwargs. This is adapted from scikit-learn's ``BaseEstimator`` class. It gets the kwargs for the superclass's init method and adds the kwargs for newly added ``__init__()`` method. Parameters ---------- class_x The superclass from which to retrieve param names. Returns ------- List[str] A list of parameter names for the class's init method. Raises ------ RuntimeError If `varargs` exist in the scikit-learn estimator. """ # initialize the empty list of parameter names args = [] try: # get signature of the original init method init = getattr(orig_init, "deprecated_original", orig_init) init_signature = inspect.signature(init) # get all parameters excluding 'self' original_parameters = [ p for p in init_signature.parameters.values() if != "self" and p.kind != p.VAR_KEYWORD ] # there should be no varargs for parameter in original_parameters: if parameter.kind == parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: raise RuntimeError( "scikit-learn estimators should always specify their " "parameters in the signature of their __init__ (no " f"varargs). {cls} with constructor {init_signature} " "doesn't follow this convention." ) else: args.append( except TypeError: pass # now get the additional rescaling arguments rescale_args = list(inspect.signature(class_x.__init__).parameters.keys()) # Remove 'self' rescale_args.remove("self") # add the rescaling arguments to the original arguments and sort args += rescale_args args.sort() return args @wraps(cls.__init__) def init(self, constrain: bool = True, rescale: bool = True, **kwargs): # noqa: D417 """ Initialize things in the right order. Parameters ---------- constrain : bool, default=True Whether to constrain predictions within min and max values. rescale : bool, default=True Whether to rescale prediction values using z-scores. kwargs : Dict[str, Any] Keyword arguments for base class. """ # pylint: disable=W0201 self.constrain = constrain self.rescale = rescale self.y_min = None self.y_max = None self.yhat_mean = None self.yhat_sd = None self.y_mean = None self.y_sd = None orig_init(self, **kwargs) # Override original functions with new ones cls.__init__ = init = fit cls.predict = predict cls._get_param_names = _get_param_names cls.rescale = True # Return modified class return cls def setup_cv_fold_iterator( cv_folds: Union[int, FoldMapping], examples: FeatureSet, model_type: str, stratified: bool = False, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ) -> Tuple[Union[FilteredLeaveOneGroupOut, KFold, StratifiedKFold], Optional[List[str]]]: """ Set up a cross-validation fold iterator for the given ``FeatureSet``. Parameters ---------- cv_folds : Union[int, :class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`] The number of folds to use for cross-validation, or a mapping from example IDs to folds. examples : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance for which the CV iterator is to be computed. model_type : str One of "classifier" or "regressor". stratified : bool, default=False Should the cross-validation iterator be set up in a stratified fashion? logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use for logging messages and warnings. If ``None``, a new one is created. Returns ------- :class:`skll.types.StratifiedKFold` k-fold iterator Optional[List[str]] List of cross-validation groups """ # explicitly declare the return types kfold: Union[FilteredLeaveOneGroupOut, KFold, StratifiedKFold] # Set up the cross-validation iterator.= if isinstance(cv_folds, int): cv_folds = compute_num_folds_from_example_counts( cv_folds, examples.labels, model_type, logger=logger ) stratified = stratified and model_type == "classifier" if stratified: kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cv_folds) cv_groups = None else: kfold = KFold(n_splits=cv_folds) cv_groups = None # Otherwise cv_folds is a dict else: # if we have a mapping from IDs to folds, use it for the overall # cross-validation as well as the grid search within each # training fold. Note that this means that the grid search # will use K-1 folds because the Kth will be the test fold for # the outer cross-validation. dummy_label = next(iter(cv_folds.values())) fold_groups = [cv_folds.get(curr_id, dummy_label) for curr_id in examples.ids] # Only retain IDs within folds if they're in cv_folds kfold = FilteredLeaveOneGroupOut(cv_folds, examples.ids, logger=logger) cv_groups = fold_groups return kfold, cv_groups def setup_cv_split_iterator( cv_folds: Union[int, FoldMapping], examples: FeatureSet ) -> Tuple[FeaturesetIterator, int]: """ Set up a cross-validation split iterator over the given ``FeatureSet``. Parameters ---------- cv_folds : Union[int, :class:`skll.types.FoldMapping`] The number of folds to use for cross-validation, or a mapping from example IDs to folds. examples : :class:`` The given featureset which is to be split. Returns ------- :class:`skll.types.FeaturesetIterator` Iterator over the train/test featuresets int The maximum number of training samples available. """ # seed the random number generator for replicability random_state = np.random.RandomState(123456789) # set up the cross-validation split iterator with 20% of # the data always reserved for testing cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=cv_folds, test_size=0.2, random_state=random_state) cv_iter = list(cv.split(examples.features, examples.labels, None)) n_max_training_samples = len(cv_iter[0][0]) # create an iterator over train/test featuresets based on the # cross-validation index iterator featureset_iter = (FeatureSet.split(examples, train, test) for train, test in cv_iter) return featureset_iter, n_max_training_samples def train_and_score( learner: "skll.learner.Learner", train_examples: FeatureSet, test_examples: FeatureSet, metric: str, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Train learner, generate predictions, and evaluate predictions. A utility method to train a given learner instance on the given training examples, generate predictions on the training set itself and also the given test set, and score those predictions using the given metric. The method returns the train and test scores. If the learner has its ``probability`` attribute set to ``True``, it will produce probability values as predictions rather than class indices. In this case, this function will compute the argmax over the probability values to find the most likely class index and use that. Note that this method needs to be a top-level function since it is called from within ``joblib.Parallel()`` and, therefore, needs to be picklable which it would not be as an instancemethod of the ``Learner`` class. Parameters ---------- learner : :class:`skll.learner.Learner` A SKLL ``Learner`` instance. train_examples : :class:`` The training examples. test_examples : :class:`` The test examples. metric : str The scoring function passed to ``use_score_func()``. Returns ------- float Output of the score function applied to predictions of ``learner`` on ``train_examples``. float Output of the score function applied to predictions of ``learner`` on ``test_examples``. float The time taken in seconds to fit the ``learner`` on ``train_examples``. """ # capture the time before we train the model start_time = time.time() _ = learner.train(train_examples, grid_search=False, shuffle=False) # compute the time it took to train the model fit_time = time.time() - start_time # get the train and test class probabilities or indices (not labels) train_predictions = learner.predict(train_examples, class_labels=False) test_predictions = learner.predict(test_examples, class_labels=False) # recall that voting learners return a tuple from `predict()` if isinstance(train_predictions, tuple): train_predictions = train_predictions[0] if isinstance(test_predictions, tuple): test_predictions = test_predictions[0] # if we got probabilities, then we need to run argmax over them # to convert them into indices; this needs to handle both # regular learners as well as voting learners if (hasattr(learner, "probability") and learner.probability) or ( hasattr(learner, "voting") and == "soft" ): train_predictions = np.argmax(train_predictions, axis=1) test_predictions = np.argmax(test_predictions, axis=1) # now get the training and test labels and convert them to indices # but make sure to include any unseen labels in the test data if train_examples.labels is not None and test_examples.labels is not None: if learner.model_type._estimator_type == "classifier": test_label_list = np.unique(test_examples.labels).tolist() train_and_test_label_dict = add_unseen_labels(learner.label_dict, test_label_list) train_labels = np.array( [train_and_test_label_dict[label] for label in train_examples.labels] ) test_labels = np.array( [train_and_test_label_dict[label] for label in test_examples.labels] ) else: train_labels = train_examples.labels test_labels = test_examples.labels # now compute and return the scores train_score = use_score_func(metric, train_labels, train_predictions) test_score = use_score_func(metric, test_labels, test_predictions) return train_score, test_score, fit_time def write_predictions( example_ids: np.ndarray, predictions_to_write: np.ndarray, file_prefix: str, model_type: str, label_list: List[LabelType], append: bool = False, ): """ Write example IDs and predictions to a tab-separated file with given prefix. Parameters ---------- example_ids : numpy.ndarray The IDs of the examples for which the predictions have been generated. predictions_to_write : numpy.ndarray The predictions to write out to the file. file_prefix : str The prefix for the output file. The output file will be named "<file_prefix>_predictions.tsv". model_type : str One of "classifier" or "regressor". label_list : List[:class:`skll.types.LabelType`] List of class labels, required if ``probability`` is ``True``. append : bool, default=False Should we append the current predictions to the file if it exists? """ # create a new file starting with the given prefix prediction_file = f"{file_prefix}_predictions.tsv" with open(prediction_file, mode="w" if not append else "a", newline="") as predictionfh: # create a DictWriter with the appropriate field names if predictions_to_write.ndim > 1 and label_list: fieldnames = ["id"] + [label for label in label_list] else: fieldnames = ["id", "prediction"] writer = DictWriter(predictionfh, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect=excel_tab) # write out the header unless we are appending if not append: writer.writeheader() # explicitly declare some types row: Dict[LabelType, Any] for example_id, pred in zip(example_ids, predictions_to_write): # for regressors, we just write out the prediction as-is if model_type == "regressor": row = {"id": example_id, "prediction": pred} # if we have an array as a prediction, it must be # a list of probabilities and if not, then it's # either a class label or an index else: if isinstance(pred, np.ndarray): row = {"id": example_id} row.update(dict(zip(label_list, pred))) # type: ignore else: row = {"id": example_id, "prediction": pred} # write out the row writer.writerow(row) def _save_learner_to_disk( learner: Union["skll.learner.Learner", ""], filepath: PathOrStr ) -> None: """ Save the given SKLL learner instance to disk. NOTE: This function should only be used by the ``save()`` methods for the various learner classes in SKLL. Parameters ---------- learner : Union[:class:`skll.learner.Learner`, :class:``] A ``Learner`` or ``VotingLearner`` instance to save to disk. filepath : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to save the learner instance to. """ # create the directory if it doesn't exist learner_dir = Path(filepath).parent if not learner_dir.exists(): learner_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # write out the learner to disk joblib.dump((VERSION, learner), filepath) def _load_learner_from_disk( learner_type: Union[Type["skll.learner.Learner"], Type[""]], filepath: PathOrStr, logger: logging.Logger, ) -> Union["skll.learner.Learner", ""]: """ Load a saved instance of the given type from disk. NOTE: This function should only be used by the ``from_file()`` methods for the various learner classes in SKLL. Parameters ---------- learner_type : Union[Type[:class:`skll.learner.Learner`], Type[:class:``]] The type of learner instance to load from disk. filepath : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to a saved ``Learner`` or ``VotingLearner`` file. logger : logging.Logger A logging object. Returns ------- learner : Union[:class:`skll.learner.Learner`, :class:``] The ``Learner`` or ``VotingLearner`` instance loaded from the file. Raises ------ ValueError If the pickled version of the ``Learner`` instance is out of date. """ skll_version, learner = joblib.load(filepath) # Check that we've actually loaded an instance of the requested type if not isinstance(learner, learner_type): raise ValueError( f"'{filepath}' does not contain an object " f"of type '{learner_type.__name__}'." ) # check that versions are compatible elif skll_version < (2, 5, 0): model_version_str = ".".join(map(str, skll_version)) current_version_str = ".".join(map(str, VERSION)) raise ValueError( f"The learner stored in '{filepath}' was " f"created with v{model_version_str} of SKLL, " "which is incompatible with the current " f"v{current_version_str}." ) else: if not hasattr(learner, "sampler"): learner.sampler = None # For backward compatibility, convert string model types to actual classes if isinstance(learner._model_type, str): learner._model_type = globals()[learner._model_type] # set the learner logger attribute to the logger that's passed in learner.logger = logger # if the loaded learner is a `VotingLearner` then we need to attach # the same logger to the underlying learners as well if learner_type.__name__ == "VotingLearner": for underlying_learner in learner._learners: underlying_learner.logger = logger return learner