Source code for

# License: BSD 3 clause
Handles loading data from various types of data files.

:author: Dan Blanchard (
:author: Michael Heilman (
:author: Nitin Madnani (
:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:organization: ETS

import json
import logging
import sys
from csv import DictWriter
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
from typing import IO, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer, FeatureHasher

from import FeatureSet
from skll.types import FeatGenerator, FeatureDict, IdType, LabelType, PathOrStr

[docs] class Writer(object): """ Write out FeatureSets to files on disk. This is the base class used to create featureset writers for different file types. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. The suffix to this filename must be ``.arff``, ``.csv``, ``.jsonlines``, ``.libsvm``, ``.ndj``, or ``.tsv``. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, when calling the ``write()`` method, path is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.csv``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the file. quiet : bool, default=True Do not print "Writing..." status message to stderr. subsets : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], default=None A mapping from subset names to lists of feature names that are included in those sets. If given, a feature file will be written for every subset (with the name containing the subset name as suffix to ``path``). Note, since string- valued features are automatically converted into boolean features with names of the form ``FEATURE_NAME=STRING_VALUE``, when doing the filtering, the portion before the ``=`` is all that's used for matching. Therefore, you do not need to enumerate all of these boolean feature names in your mapping. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use to log messages instead of creating a new one by default. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, quiet: bool = True, subsets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ): """Initialize base Writer class.""" super(Writer, self).__init__() self.quiet = quiet self.path = Path(path) self.feat_set = feature_set self.subsets = subsets self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__) # Get prefix & extension for checking file types & writing subset files; # since we also need to handle paths like "foo/.csv" for subset-writing # we have to do a bit of introspection before figuring out the various # parts of the path parent, stem, suffix = self.path.parent, self.path.stem, self.path.suffix if stem.startswith(".") and not suffix: self.root = parent self.ext = stem.lower() else: self.root = parent / stem self.ext = suffix.lower() self._progress_msg = "" self._use_pandas = False
[docs] @classmethod def for_path(cls, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, **kwargs) -> "Writer": """ Retrieve object of ``Writer`` sub-class appropriate for given path. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. The suffix to this filename must be ``.arff``, ``.csv``, ``.jsonlines``, ``.libsvm``, ``.ndj``, or ``.tsv``. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, when calling the ``write()`` method, path is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.csv``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the output file. kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] The keyword arguments for ``for_path`` are the same as the initializer for the desired ``Writer`` subclass. Returns ------- writer : :class:`` New instance of the Writer sub-class that is appropriate for the given path. """ # Get lowercase extension for file extension checking # NOTE: the reason we are doing this complicated gymnastics # instead of just using `path.suffix` is because sometimes # `path` may look like `foo/.jsonlines` when we are writing # subsets so we need to handle that edge case path = Path(path) stem, suffix = path.stem, path.suffix if stem.startswith(".") and not suffix: ext = stem.lower() else: ext = suffix.lower() return EXT_TO_WRITER[ext](path, feature_set, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self) -> None: """Write out this Writer's ``FeatureSet`` to a file in its format.""" if isinstance(self.feat_set.vectorizer, FeatureHasher): raise ValueError( "Writer cannot write sets that use a " "FeatureHasher for vectorization." ) # Write one feature file if we weren't given a dict of subsets if self.subsets is None: self._write_subset(self.path) # Otherwise write one feature file per subset else: for subset_name, filter_features in self.subsets.items(): self.logger.debug(f"Subset ({subset_name}) features: " f"{filter_features}") sub_path = self.root / f"{subset_name}{self.ext}" self._write_subset(sub_path, set(filter_features))
def _write_subset( self, sub_path: PathOrStr, filter_features: Optional[Set[str]] = None ) -> None: """ Write out given ``FeatureSet`` instance to a file in this class's format. Parameters ---------- sub_path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to the file we want to create for this subset of our data. filter_features : Optional[Set[str]], default=None Set of features to include in current feature file. """ self.logger.debug(f"sub_path: {sub_path}") self.logger.debug(f"feature_set: {}") self.logger.debug(f"filter_features: {filter_features}") if not self.quiet: self._progress_msg = f"Writing {sub_path}..." print(self._progress_msg, end="\r", file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() if not self._use_pandas: # Apply filtering filtered_set: Union[FeatGenerator, FeatureSet] = ( self.feat_set.filtered_iter(features=filter_features) if filter_features is not None else self.feat_set ) # Open file for writing and write each line with open(sub_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as output_file: # Write out the header if this format requires it self._write_header(filtered_set, output_file, filter_features) # Write individual lines for ex_num, (id_, label_, feat_dict) in enumerate(filtered_set): self._write_line(id_, label_, feat_dict, output_file) if not self.quiet and ex_num % 100 == 0: print(f"{self._progress_msg}{ex_num:>15}", end="\r", file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() else: self._write_data(self.feat_set, sub_path, filter_features) if not self.quiet: print(f"{self._progress_msg}{'done':<15}", file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() def _write_header(self, feature_set, output_file, filter_features): """ Write header to file. Called before lines are written to file, so that headers can be written for files that need them. Parameters ---------- feature_set : Ignored Not used. output_file : Ignored Not used. filter_features : Ignored Not used. """ pass def _write_line(self, id_, label_, feat_dict, output_file): """ Write the current line in the file in this Writer's format. Parameters ---------- id_ : Ignored Not used. label_ : Ignored Not used. feat_dict : Ignored Not used. output_file : Ignored Not used. Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError def _write_data(self, feature_set, output_file, filter_features): """ Write full data set in Writer's format using `pandas`, rather than row-by-row. Parameters ---------- feature_set : Ignored Not used. output_file : Ignored Not used. filter_features : Ignored Not used. Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_column_names_and_indexes( self, feature_set: FeatureSet, filter_features: Optional[Set[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int]]: """ Get names of columns and associated indices for (possibly filtered) features. Parameters ---------- feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance being written to a file. filter_features : Optional[Set[str]], default=None If only writing a subset of the features in the FeatureSet to ``output_file``, these are the features to include in this file. Returns ------- column_names : List[str] A list of the (possibly filtered) column names. column_indexes : List[int] A list of the (possibly filtered) column indexes. """ # if we're not doing filtering, # then just take all the feature names self.logger.debug(feature_set) if isinstance(feature_set.vectorizer, DictVectorizer): if filter_features is None: filter_features = feature_set.vectorizer.feature_names_ # create a list of tuples with (column names, column indexes) # so that we can correctly extract the appropriate columns columns = sorted( [ (col_name, col_idx) for col_name, col_idx in feature_set.vectorizer.vocabulary_.items() if (col_name in filter_features or col_name.split("=", 1)[0] in filter_features) ], key=lambda x: x[1], ) # then, split the names and indexes into separate lists column_names, column_indexes = zip(*columns) return list(column_names), list(column_indexes) else: return [], []
[docs] class CSVWriter(Writer): """ Writer for writing out ``FeatureSet`` instances as CSV files. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, this is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.csv``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the output file. quiet : bool, default=True Do not print "Writing..." status message to stderr. subsets : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], default=None A mapping from subset names to lists of feature names that are included in those sets. If given, a feature file will be written for every subset (with the name containing the subset name as suffix to ``path``). Note, since string- valued features are automatically converted into boolean features with names of the form ``FEATURE_NAME=STRING_VALUE``, when doing the filtering, the portion before the ``=`` is all that's used for matching. Therefore, you do not need to enumerate all of these boolean feature names in your mapping. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use to log messages instead of creating a new one by default. label_col : str, default="y" The column name containing the label. id_col : str, default="id" The column name containing the ID. pandas_kwargs : Optional[Dict[str], Any], default=None Arguments that will be passed directly to the `pandas` I/O reader. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, quiet: bool = True, subsets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, label_col: str = "y", id_col: str = "id", pandas_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Initialize the CSVWriter class.""" self.label_col = label_col self.id_col = id_col self._pandas_kwargs = {} if pandas_kwargs is None else pandas_kwargs self._sep = self._pandas_kwargs.pop("sep", ",") self._index = self._pandas_kwargs.pop("index", False) super(CSVWriter, self).__init__( path, feature_set, quiet=quiet, subsets=subsets, logger=logger ) self._use_pandas = True def _build_dataframe_with_features( self, feature_set: FeatureSet, filter_features: Optional[Set[str]] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create and filter data frame from features in given feature set. Parameters ---------- feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance being written to a file. filter_features : Optional[Set[str]], default=None If only writing a subset of the features in the FeatureSet to ``output_file``, these are the features to include in this file. Returns ------- df_features : pandas.DataFrame The data frame constructed from the feature set. The frame may be empty are not features in the feature set. Raises ------ ValueError If ID column is already used as feature. If label column is already used as feature. """ # if there is no filtering, then just keep all the names (column_names, column_idxs) = self._get_column_names_and_indexes( feature_set, filter_features ) # create the data frame from the feature set; # then, select only the columns that we want, # and give the columns their correct names if feature_set.features is not None: if issparse(feature_set.features): df_features = pd.DataFrame(feature_set.features.toarray()) else: df_features = pd.DataFrame(feature_set.features) df_features = df_features.iloc[:, column_idxs].copy() df_features.columns = column_names return df_features else: return pd.DataFrame() def _build_dataframe( self, feature_set: FeatureSet, filter_features: Optional[Set[str]] = None, df_features: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create and filter data frame with features in given feature set. Add the IDs and labels, if applicable. If the data frame with features already exists, pass `df_features`. Then the IDs and labels will simply be added to the existing data frame containing the features. Parameters ---------- feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance being written to a file. filter_features : Optional[Set[str]], default=None If only writing a subset of the features in the FeatureSet to ``output_file``, these are the features to include in this file. df_features : Optional[pandas.DataFrame], default=None If the data frame with features already exists, then we use it and add IDs and labels; otherwise, the feature data frame will be created from the feature set. Returns ------- df_features : pandas.DataFrame The data frame constructed from the feature set. Raises ------ ValueError If ID column is already used as feature. If label column is already used as feature. """ # create the data frame with just the features # from the feature set, at this point if df_features is None: df_features = self._build_dataframe_with_features(feature_set, filter_features) # if the id column is already in the data frame, # then raise an error; otherwise, just add the ids if self.id_col in df_features: raise ValueError(f"ID column name {self.id_col} already used as feature name.") df_features[self.id_col] = feature_set.ids # if the the labels should exist but the column is already # in the data frame, then raise an error; otherwise, just add the labels if feature_set.has_labels: if self.label_col in df_features: raise ValueError( f'Class column name "{self.label_col}" ' "already used as feature name." ) df_features[self.label_col] = feature_set.labels return df_features def _write_data( self, feature_set: FeatureSet, output_file: PathOrStr, filter_features: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Write the data in CSV format. Parameters ---------- feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance being written to a file. output_file : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path of the file being written to filter_features : Optional[Set[str]], default=None If only writing a subset of the features in the FeatureSet to ``output_file``, these are the features to include in this file. """ df = self._build_dataframe(feature_set, filter_features=filter_features) df.to_csv(output_file, sep=self._sep, index=self._index, **self._pandas_kwargs)
[docs] class TSVWriter(CSVWriter): """ Writer for writing out FeatureSets as TSV files. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, this is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.tsv``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the output file. quiet : bool, default=True Do not print "Writing..." status message to stderr. subsets : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], default=None A mapping from subset names to lists of feature names that are included in those sets. If given, a feature file will be written for every subset (with the name containing the subset name as suffix to ``path``). Note, since string- valued features are automatically converted into boolean features with names of the form ``FEATURE_NAME=STRING_VALUE``, when doing the filtering, the portion before the ``=`` is all that's used for matching. Therefore, you do not need to enumerate all of these boolean feature names in your mapping. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use to log messages instead of creating a new one by default. label_col: str, default="y" The column name containing the label. id_col: str, default="id" The column name containing the ID. pandas_kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]], default=None Arguments that will be passed directly to the `pandas` I/O reader. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, quiet: bool = True, subsets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, label_col: str = "y", id_col: str = "id", pandas_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Initialize the TSVWriter class.""" super(TSVWriter, self).__init__( path, feature_set, quiet=quiet, subsets=subsets, logger=logger, label_col=label_col, id_col=id_col, pandas_kwargs=pandas_kwargs, ) self._sep = str("\t")
[docs] class ARFFWriter(Writer): """ Writer for writing out FeatureSets as ARFF files. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, this is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.arff``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the output file. quiet : bool, default=True Do not print "Writing..." status message to stderr. subsets : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], default=None A mapping from subset names to lists of feature names that are included in those sets. If given, a feature file will be written for every subset (with the name containing the subset name as suffix to ``path``). Note, since string- valued features are automatically converted into boolean features with names of the form ``FEATURE_NAME=STRING_VALUE``, when doing the filtering, the portion before the ``=`` is all that's used for matching. Therefore, you do not need to enumerate all of these boolean feature names in your mapping. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use to log messages instead of creating a new one by default. relation : str, default='skll_relation' The name of the relation in the ARFF file. regression : bool, default=False Is this an ARFF file to be used for regression? kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] The arguments to the ``Writer`` object being instantiated. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, quiet: bool = True, subsets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, relation="skll_relation", regression=False, dialect="excel-tab", label_col="y", id_col="id", ): """Initialize the ARFFWRiter class.""" self.relation = relation self.regression = regression self.dialect = dialect self.label_col = label_col self.id_col = id_col super(ARFFWriter, self).__init__( path, feature_set, quiet=quiet, subsets=subsets, logger=logger ) self._dict_writer: Optional[DictWriter[str]] = None def _write_header( self, feature_set: FeatureSet, output_file: IO[str], filter_features: Set[str] ) -> None: """ Write headers to ARFF file. Called before lines are written to file, so that headers can be written for files that need them. Parameters ---------- feature_set : Ignored Not used. output_file : IO[str] The file being written to. filter_features : Set[str] If only writing a subset of the features in the FeatureSet to ``output_file``, these are the features to include in this file. """ fieldnames, _ = self._get_column_names_and_indexes(self.feat_set, filter_features) fieldnames.append(self.id_col) # Add relation to header print(f"@relation '{self.relation}'\n", file=output_file) # Loop through fields writing the header info for the ARFF file for field in fieldnames: field = field.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'") print(f"@attribute '{field}' numeric", file=output_file) # Print class label header if necessary if self.regression: print(f"@attribute {self.label_col} numeric", file=output_file) else: if self.feat_set.has_labels: sorted_features = sorted(set(self.feat_set.labels)) # type: ignore labels_str = ",".join([str(feat) for feat in sorted_features]) labels_str = "{" + labels_str + "}" print(f"@attribute {self.label_col} {labels_str}", file=output_file) if self.label_col: fieldnames.append(self.label_col) # Create CSV writer to handle missing values for lines in data section # and to ignore the instance values for non-numeric attributes self._dict_writer = DictWriter( output_file, fieldnames, restval=0, extrasaction="ignore", dialect="arff" ) # Finish header and start data section print("\n@data", file=output_file) def _write_line( self, id_: IdType, label_: LabelType, feat_dict: FeatureDict, output_file: IO[str] ) -> None: """ Write the current line in the file in this Writer's format. Parameters ---------- id_ : :class:`skll.types.IdType` The ID for the current instance. label_ : :class:`skll.types.LabelType` The label for the current instance. feat_dict : :class:`skll.types.FeatureDict` The feature dictionary for the current instance. output_file : Ignored. Not used. Raises ------ ValueError If class column name is already use as a feature ValueError If ID column name is already used as a feature. """ # Add class column to feat_dict (unless this is unlabeled data) if self.label_col not in feat_dict: if self.feat_set.has_labels: feat_dict[self.label_col] = label_ else: raise ValueError( f'Class column name "{self.label_col}" already ' "used as feature name." ) # Add id column to feat_dict if id is provided if self.id_col not in feat_dict: feat_dict[self.id_col] = id_ else: raise ValueError(f'ID column name "{self.id_col}" already used as' " feature name.") # Write out line if self._dict_writer: self._dict_writer.writerow(feat_dict)
[docs] class NDJWriter(Writer): """ Writer for writing out FeatureSets as .jsonlines/.ndj files. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, this is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.ndj``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the output file. quiet : bool, default=True Do not print "Writing..." status message to stderr. subsets : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], default=None A mapping from subset names to lists of feature names that are included in those sets. If given, a feature file will be written for every subset (with the name containing the subset name as suffix to ``path``). Note, since string- valued features are automatically converted into boolean features with names of the form ``FEATURE_NAME=STRING_VALUE``, when doing the filtering, the portion before the ``=`` is all that's used for matching. Therefore, you do not need to enumerate all of these boolean feature names in your mapping. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use to log messages instead of creating a new one by default. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, quiet: bool = True, subsets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ): """Initialize the NDJWriter class.""" super(NDJWriter, self).__init__( path, feature_set, quiet=quiet, subsets=subsets, logger=logger ) def _write_line( self, id_: IdType, label_: Union[LabelType, np.int64, np.float64], feat_dict: FeatureDict, output_file: IO[str], ) -> None: """ Write the current line in the file in NDJ format. Parameters ---------- id_ : :class:`skll.types.IdType` The ID for the current instance. label_ : :class:`skll.types.LabelType` The label for the current instance. feat_dict : :class:`skll.types.FeatureDict` The feature dictionary for the current instance. output_file : IO[str] The file being written to. """ example_dict: FeatureDict = {} # Don't try to add class column if this is label-less data # Try to convert the label to a scalar assuming it'a numpy # non-scalar type (e.g., int64) but if that doesn't work # then use it as is if self.feat_set.has_labels: if hasattr(label_, "item"): example_dict["y"] = label_.item() else: example_dict["y"] = label_ # Try to convert the ID to a scalar assuming it'a numpy # non-scalar type (e.g., int64) but if that doesn't work # then use it as is if hasattr(id_, "item"): example_dict["id"] = id_.item() else: example_dict["id"] = id_ example_dict["x"] = feat_dict print(json.dumps(example_dict, sort_keys=True), file=output_file)
[docs] class LibSVMWriter(Writer): """ Writer for writing out FeatureSets as LibSVM/SVMLight files. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` A path to the feature file we would like to create. If ``subsets`` is not ``None``, this is assumed to be a string containing the path to the directory to write the feature files with an additional file extension specifying the file type. For example ``/foo/.libsvm``. feature_set : :class:`` The ``FeatureSet`` instance to dump to the output file. quiet : bool, default=True Do not print "Writing..." status message to stderr. subsets : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], default=None A mapping from subset names to lists of feature names that are included in those sets. If given, a feature file will be written for every subset (with the name containing the subset name as suffix to ``path``). Note, since string- valued features are automatically converted into boolean features with names of the form ``FEATURE_NAME=STRING_VALUE``, when doing the filtering, the portion before the ``=`` is all that's used for matching. Therefore, you do not need to enumerate all of these boolean feature names in your mapping. logger : Optional[logging.Logger], default=None A logger instance to use to log messages instead of creating a new one by default. label_map : Optional[Dict[str, int]], default=None A mapping from label strings to integers. """ LIBSVM_REPLACE_DICT = { ":": "\u2236", "#": "\uFF03", " ": "\u2002", "=": "\ua78a", "|": "\u2223", } def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, feature_set: FeatureSet, quiet: bool = True, subsets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, label_map: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, ): """Initialize the LibSVMWriter class.""" self.label_map = label_map super(LibSVMWriter, self).__init__( path, feature_set, quiet=quiet, subsets=subsets, logger=logger ) if self.label_map is None: fs_labels = feature_set.labels if feature_set.has_labels else np.array([]) self.label_map = { label: num for num, label in enumerate( sorted( { label for label in fs_labels # type: ignore if not isinstance(label, (int, float)) } ) ) } # Add fake item to vectorizer for None self.label_map[None] = "00000" @staticmethod def _sanitize(name: Union[IdType, LabelType]) -> Union[IdType, LabelType]: """ Sanitize feature names for older feature formats. Replace special characters in names with close unicode equivalents to make things loadable in by LibSVM, LibLinear, or SVMLight. Parameters ---------- name : Union[:class:`skll.types.IdType`, :class:`skll.types.LabelType`] Input name in which special characters are replaced with unicode equivalents. Returns ------- Union[:class:`skll.types.IdType`, :class:`skll.types.LabelType`] The sanitized name with special characters replaced. """ sanitized_name = name if isinstance(sanitized_name, str): for orig, replacement in LibSVMWriter.LIBSVM_REPLACE_DICT.items(): sanitized_name = sanitized_name.replace(orig, replacement) return sanitized_name def _write_line( self, id_: IdType, label_: LabelType, feat_dict: FeatureDict, output_file: IO[str] ) -> None: """ Write the current line in the file in this Writer's format. Parameters ---------- id_ : :class:`skll.types.IdType` The ID for the current instance. label_ : :class:`skll.types.LabelType` The label for the current instance. feat_dict : :class:`skll.types.FeatureDict` The feature dictionary for the current instance. output_file : IO[str] The file being written to. """ field_values = ( sorted( [ (self.feat_set.vectorizer.vocabulary_[field] + 1, value) for field, value in feat_dict.items() if Decimal(value) != 0 ] ) if self.feat_set.vectorizer else [] ) # Print label if self.label_map: if label_ in self.label_map: print(self.label_map[label_], end=" ", file=output_file) else: print(label_, end=" ", file=output_file) # Print features print( " ".join((f"{field}:{value}" for field, value in field_values)), end=" ", file=output_file, ) # Print comment with id and mappings print("#", end=" ", file=output_file) print(self._sanitize(id_), end="", file=output_file) print(" |", end=" ", file=output_file) if self.label_map: if label_ in self.label_map: print( f"{self._sanitize(self.label_map[label_])}={self._sanitize(label_)}", end=" | ", file=output_file, ) else: print(" |", end=" ", file=output_file) line = ( " ".join( f"{self.feat_set.vectorizer.vocabulary_[field] + 1}={self._sanitize(field)}" for field, value in feat_dict.items() if Decimal(value) != 0 ) if self.feat_set.vectorizer else "" ) print(line, file=output_file)
# Constants EXT_TO_WRITER = { ".arff": ARFFWriter, ".csv": CSVWriter, ".jsonlines": NDJWriter, ".libsvm": LibSVMWriter, ".ndj": NDJWriter, ".tsv": TSVWriter, }